The architects took their inspiration from Chia’s nature, its colours and the pure and simple lines of the sea and the beach. They made the rooms distinctive with colours inspired by the local landscape: the delicate pink of the sand with microscopic fragments of coral and of the flamingos that inhabit the lagoon, the infinite shades of blue of the sea and the sky, and the unique hues of green of the Mediterranean maquis and vegetation in the dunes.
The white walls welcome Chia’s light, and the colourful shadows add tone to the ambiance, leading the eye seamlessly to the natural world just outside the door.
The décor has adopted specific shades and is enhanced by colour contrasts. Everything in the rooms and the furniture in the private gardens is simple in style, with clean lines drawn in one stroke. It’s all very welcoming, with an unmistakable ambiance that calls to mind views across the sea and the dunes.